Sunday, April 28, 2013

Beach Cookies

This week my 4 year old wanted to make "beach cookies." Sure.  I had been wanting to try a Martha Stewart fossil cookie idea that I had seen so... I dug up some shells and an Urban Poser almond flour sugar cookie recipe and we headed into the kitchen.  
 We tried three different shells and this was definitely the most successful.  Press shell into a ball of dough then gather dough around the shell.
 I was pretty impressed at the amount of detail that the cookies had after baking.  I also tried adding some arrowroot to half of the batch to see if it helped with detail in the shells.  It didn't really make a difference in the appearance of the cookies but we did not like the way that they tasted as much as the ones without it.
 It was a fun project to let this one get her hands into in the kitchen.
note: I used coconut oil to replace the applesauce in the recipe.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Zucchini Carbonara

After a long hiatus I have decided to return to this blog.  My food sensibilities have definitely evolved since I was last posting (Currently I am trying the Primal Diet) but the title still applies so I decided to stick with it.
I am often asked to share a recipe and I have to type it up and send it via email to whoever has requested it.  Instead I am just going to put my recipes and food ideas on this blog and perhaps it will help someone somewhere to decide "what's for dinner?" (or dessert!)

Tonight's dinner comes to you by the fact that organic zucchini was on sale 2lbs for $3.  I bought a big bag full and had to come up with an easy dinner to make use of my bargain. And mushrooms, we always have mushrooms because they are Viola's(the 4 year old) favorite,  I saved the double one to show her.
 I cut half of a package of bacon into small pieces.  I use scissors to cut most meat (chicken, bacon, fish, thin beef) because its easier.  I learned to use my kitchen scissors whenever possible from my sister-in-law.
 I threw in some slightly freezer burned peas.
 I have to admit that I did not measure the cheese.

Zucchini Carbonara

6-7 small zucchini, cut into fork-able pieces
1 8oz package white mushrooms, sliced
6oz bacon cut into small pieces
olive oil
frozen peas
2 eggs
1 cup shredded parmesan
salt and pepper

Fry bacon in pan until cooked.  Add mushrooms and a good glug of olive oil since the mushrooms will probably soak up all of your bacon grease.  Saute until mushrooms are soft.  Add zucchini and cook until desired tenderness is achieved.  While that is cooking lightly beat eggs in a small bowl, add cheese, salt, and pepper.  When vegetables are cooked remove from heat and immediately pour egg mixture over and stir.  

I thought it was delicious.  Husband said that he liked it too but chased his Primal (grain free) dinner with two pieces of buttered toast.