Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fresh Pizza

There is a new pizza chain in town that supplies you with a bake-it-yourself pie.  The praise that I hear is that their toppings are so fresh.  I have tried this pizza, it was alright but it doesn't replace the fresh deliciousness of making my own pizza at home.  It just takes a bit of forethought to get the dough in the bread-maker so that it is ready come dinner time.  
This particular pie really expresses my difference in diet to my husband.  His side has full pepperoni coverage and a sprinkling of veggies while my side replaces the meat with sliced fresh tomatoes and a layering of bell peppers (from my garden) and thin slices of collard greens. I then shredded goat milk mozzarella over the top. It was delicious.  And so was the salad on the side.

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